

In conformity with the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67) the Board of Education of Shiloh Village School District #85 hereby gives notice that letters of interest will be received for persons desiring to be considered for appointment by the Board to fill the vacancy created one less applicant in this year’s April election. The person selected will serve until the next regular school election scheduled for April 2027, at which time a candidate will be elected to fill a four-year term.


A candidate for the position must:

a. Be a citizen of the United States

b. Be 18 years of age or over by the time of appointment

c. Be a resident of the State of Illinois and of the Shiloh Village School District #85 for at least one year

d. Be a registered voter, as provided by the general election law

e. Not be a child sex offender

f. Not hold another incompatible public office

g. Not have a prohibited interest in any contract with the School District (after the selected candidate’s appointment, it will be necessary to complete a Statement of Economic Interest with the St. Clair County Clerk)

h. Not hold certain types of prohibited State or federal employment

When submitting a letter of interest, please include your thoughts on why you want to serve of the Shiloh School Board, what you perceived to be the greatest challenges facing our school District, and what unique contributions you may bring to the School Board.

Letters of interest must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025. The Board will notify the applicant(s) of the procedure to be followed for an interview. Letters may be submitted via email to the Board of Education Secretary, Christina Hefley at chefly@shi85.org or mailed to the Board Office at 125 Diamond Court, Shiloh, IL 62269.

Further, the District will provide a presentation on “Interest in Being a Board Member” should you want to understand more about the responsibilities and expectation of serving the community before submitting a letter of interest. This will be held on March 3 rd at 6:30pm at Shiloh Elementary School Library.


Dale Sauer
